Car sharing gives the power back to people and enables them to travel as they usually would not be able to.
It used to be, and still is expensive to own a car or any other fueled vehicle. Also due to the rising population and the increased number of cars on the street, the streets are blocked, and the pollution of the air is rising.
With the emerging threat of global warming and other environmental catastrophes, the time for car sharing or electric scooter sharing is now.
Big car manufacturers such as Mercedes or BMW are aware of this changing trend and are investing heavily to count themselves among the first movers to get a substantial market share. Thanks to this movement two leading companies were able to establish them as the go-to providers.
Namely Drivenow and Car2Go are the best-known players who are direct ventures coming from the two big car manufacturers.
Car2go is a product of the Mercedes Benz conglomerate and offers vehicles from small proportions such as a Smart up to smaller SUVs like the Mercedes GLA. This is beneficial to users due to the enormous variety of cars available. A quick city trip requires a different car compared to a potential visit to the supermarket. Car2go offers solutions to both situations and is, therefore, the perfect and first choice for drivers in big cities
Drive Now however is more of a lifestyle choice as they mostly offer the stylish and well-liked mini coopers in a variety of forms. It is always a pleasure to drive in the summer with a good looking mini Cabrio through the city and to enjoy life. This is possible with the majority of the drive now fleet.
A new upcoming possibility is the electric scooters sharing that are an uprising solution for very crowded cities and the fast transportation way.
In general, the underlying development of transportation is a much-needed democratization of the current status to support environmental healing. If current market players are further developing their services, that could lead to a complete market adaption and owning its own vehicle would become obsolete.